I’m not sure what my passion is.
I’ve always thought programming/app development was my passion. I’ve been pretty good at it, I learned it all by myself without having to, and so it seemed natural to me that that’s what my passion was. But, the more the days go on, the more I’m starting to feel that it’s not, really.
There are so many things that I enjoy doing. Making music is an important one of those things. I’m also getting a bit into design. I want to experiment more with film-making. There’s just so much potential. One thing all of these have in common is artistic expression. Development kind of sort of really lacks artistic expression. It’s creative, that’s for sure, but it’s not art.
And I love art.
I’ve always scoffed at people who didn’t know what they wanted to study at university. My decision was fairly easy. But now, thinking more about it, maybe it was a bit hasty. I just didn’t really think about it.
So what am I going to do about it?
I’m not going to let my choice of major decide my life’s career, for starters. I’m not really a fan of studying, and I truly believe that I can become whatever I want to become regardless of my major. I just have to know what that is. It can’t be a temporary hobby. It should be something that I’ll love doing for a lifetime. It should really be a passion.
I don’t know what that is yet, and that’s why, for the remaining three years, while still in college, I’m going to be experimenting. Trying something new every few weeks. Really searching for my passion.
I might end up back where I started. Maybe development is my passion and I’m just going through a phase.
But maybe I’m not.
And that’s a very important maybe.
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