I do five main constant things for entertainment: Playing video games, listening to music, listening to podcasts, reading, and watching shows. I love all five, and don’t intend on stopping any of them anytime soon. Here is how I balance my time between them.
Music is the easiest. I listen to music almost all the time, especially while studying and working. I can’t bear doing any kind of work without some music in the background. I’d delve into the kinds of music I listen to, but that’s a topic for another post.
TV Shows/Movies
I usually keep movies for the weekends/evenings, and I watch them mostly with friends. TV shows, on the other hand, are much harder to schedule. I’ve been getting into Community recently, and I don’t feel like I’m really in control of how frequently I play an episode. TV shows can easily grow into an addiction, and it’s something I’m working on.
Podcasts are left for chores and commutes. When I’m driving, cleaning up my desk, brushing my teeth, or any other similar activity, I’m usually listening to a podcast.
Video Games
Video games are my main activity when I have scheduled breaks, mainly because they require time and attention more than most other activities. I really like immersing myself in my games, and I can’t just sit down and play a console game for just 10 minutes and then turn it off. That’s impossible for me. It’s worth noting that it’s pretty different for mobile games. Mobile games are easy to pick up as well as put down. I also tend to listen to podcasts while playing games like Crossy Road or Super Hexagon, so that’s efficient too.
I’ve got a new year’s resolution to read at least 10 books this year, so I’ve been spending about 30 minutes every night reading a book. It’s been great, and it has also been making my sleeping better; at least it feels like it.
So yep, that ’s how I’ve structured everything. Without this structure, I felt a bit lost whenever I had free time and ended up wasting it worrying about wasting my time (heh). I still need to moderate my TV-watching, but I’m pretty proud of how I spend most of my time.