I miss writing. It helps me think, and introspect. It’s the best way to really understand what’s going on in my head. I open up a blank Byword file, and I just write. What comes out is usually what I’m thinking about most, and that’s always eye-opening.

So why haven’t I been writing much?

I’m not really sure. It’s not about time constraints, because I don’t really spend much time editing what I write. I just type and publish, and it’s always a fast process.

It’s not about lack of interest. I always feel like I want to write. I enjoy reading what comes out, and I enjoy knowing that other people can read and try to understand my thoughts.

So what could it be?

Maybe some other things get in the way. I usually use my free time to work on my music or my apps. I also have the stress of studying for one of the toughest majors in my university, which I’m not even sure I like (more on that in another post). Maybe writing just feels like it’s going to need time, when in practice it really does not.

Whatever it is, I’m not happy about it. I feel like I make this statement every couple of months, but I want to write more. I’m going to follow Shawn Blanc’s advice and set aside a specific period of time a day dedicated to writing. I really hope that works.

Writing this feels good. Writing most things does.

I miss writing.