One of my new year’s resolutions was to work out at least twice a week. I wrote that down knowing it was going to be the hardest goal to achieve. Whenever I start a workout routine, I’m excited for a week and then I get bored and stop. I wanted this time to be different.

The first few weeks of 2015, I barely worked out, and felt that I had already failed. But then I read Matt Gemmell’s post about his workout routine, and it seemed pretty easy to follow, and felt extremely simple. I decided to give it a shot.

Here’s my current workout:

  • 40 push-ups
  • 40 leg-lifts
  • 20 pull-ups
  • 40 dumbbell curls
  • 40 dumbbell flyes
  • 40 dumbbell tricep twists

I use 5kg dumbbells.

My workout isn’t all that impressive, and I want to improve and increase the amount of repetitions I can currently achieve.

I’ve been following this routine every Monday, Wednesday, and Friday for the past month or so. I’ve also been focusing on cardio. I chose to go for the Couch to 5K program, and running early in the morning is my favorite part of every Tuesday, Thursday, and Saturday. It gives me a huge surge of energy, and people are always surprised by how lively I still feel after a long day at university. Running gets my hyped-up, and it’s great!

Finally, I’ve also been playing basketball with a few of my friends every Thursday for about an hour. I used to play basketball a lot during my early high-school and late middle-school years, but then slowly decreased the amount I played until I just stopped. Now, getting back into the sport, I’m loving it again.

Many people use lack of time as an excuse for lack of working out, and I used to use that excuse too. I go to college every day of the week, including tests almost every other Saturday (if not more frequently). My shortest day at University is from 9am to 3pm. My longest from 9am to 7pm. I’m working on two apps at the moment. I started a video series. I’m writing an average of one post per week. I’ve got a lot on my plate, and I plan on keeping it this way. An hour every day is not a lot.

Work out. It’ll make you feel good.

Oh, and eat healthy too. I’m boycotting junk food for the year (Burger King, McDonald’s, Pizza Hut, KFC, Hardee’s…).